Autumn at Aberglasney

For my birthday this year we decided on an autumn visit to Aberglasney Gardens. Autumn has been very mild, and instead of the usual freezing temperatures for my birthday (end of October), it was quite pleasant, and the colours were rich. Ingrid joined us for lunch, then Kate, Kevin and I wandered about the garden for an hour or so.

With limited energy for writing/posting, I’ll let the photos do most of the talking.

Garden overview with a large rectangle pond, with trees and foliage in various shades of autumn including reds and oranges.
Pool garden, with the Melon House.
Looking lush, some large canna's, with foliage that looks kind of like banana leaves, with some pink dahlia's in front.
At the entrance
A large pond with lily pads sitting on the surface. Behind are lots of trees changing colours, some really bright oranges and reds. Further back are fields with sheep, and even further, cows on a hill - looking surprisingly large given how far away they are (that's the weird perception thing).
From the Pool Garden to the nearby fields. With a weird perception thing that makes the cows on the hill, further away, looking larger than they should.
A large tree turning various shades of orange and looking bright and cheerful against the dull blue sky.
Two white friends next to each other in a garden.
Kate and I, in the Sunken Garden
A clump of ferns that are dying back, some are light yellow, others are orange and some going quite brown.
I love the autumn colours of the ferns dying back for the season.
A large plant border filled with different plants in different stages of dying back for winter. It mostly in shades of green and orange, and with some black flower stems.
Autumn colours in the Woodland Garden.
Several trees turning different shades of yellow, orange, red and red-pink. Looks cheery and autumnal.
A white person down the valley slightly, looking back up at the camera. Above them is the large branch, a couple of metres long, covered in ferns.
Kevin in the Woodland Garden, under a large (c. 2m long) tree branch covered in ferns.
Pink bract flowers with green, yellow and orange leaves behind them.
A rather unusual Begonia, B. evansiana.**
A photo of the whole plant with the pink bract flowers, all in different stages of flowering, with some bright pink and others almost faded to white. Sitting amongst lime-green leaves that are changing to yellow.
The plant in full, with the unusual flower bracts.
A twisted branch with lots of green lichen covering it. Behind it, are the blurred oranges of a tree changing colour.
#LichenSubscribe (a fun hashtag on Mastodon)
A landscape photo of a large area of lawn with lots of trees in different shades of autumn colours.
A large tree turning various shades of orange and looking bright and cheerful against the dull blue sky.
Several red-orange daisy-like flowers amongst green foliage.
With autumn being so mild, some of the Heleniums were still flowering.
A large dark aubergine coloured leaf amongst other green foliage. It shimmers in the light and a single leaf is larger than a persons hand.
These are the leaves of Colocasia esculenta ‘Black Coral’** – also known as the root vegetable, Taro.
A doorway with lots of Virginia Creeper foliage. A white person is partially stepping through and smiling at the camera.
Kate at the door of the Melon House. Love the colour of the Virginian Creeper.
A large old Victorian greenhouse, with lots of plants in front of it, mostly green, and with bright burgundy reds of the Virginia Creeper behind.
Beside the Melon House
A white person with a walking stick standing in a garden.
Moi! 42 + 14*
A plate holding a home-made cheesecake with strawberry coulis on top.
Home-made cheesecake that Kevin made for my birthday. Yum!

A great day with good friends & food, and a beautiful garden. Perfect.

* * * * *

*I’m always the age of 42 (coz answer to life, universe and everything), plus ‘whatever’ years since 🙂

**Thanks to Jana on Mastodon for the Begonia and Colocasia plant id’s.

Previously – Aberglasney in the Spring

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