A lot of the time I’m unable to garden due to my health being so bad (my ME has got worse over the last year). So what does a frustrated gardener do? They start learning how to colour in flowers and plants! I’ve been doing this for a couple of years now, and I thought I’d start posting some of these on my blog, coz it’s my blog and I’ll post whatever I want to 🙂 This will fill in for when I don’t have the energy to write gardening blogposts. Hopefully people will like the pretty pictures.
This is from Marie Trolle’s ‘Twilight Garden’ book. I love her books so much, both for the illustrations and for the excellent paper that is really nice to colour upon.

I followed an online tutorial. In some ways this is easier as someone else has made all the colour and placement decisions. But it did challenge me because I learned more about different colours to layer and blend, and I went a lot slower to build up the colour and texture. Overall, this was a very enjoyable page to colour.
This was coloured to me singing along with every ABBA album, from Ring Ring to Voyage.