A gardening book I won’t read
I was just wandering around the gardening and cookbook section at Waterstones today (they are next to each other) and out of the corner of my eye I saw the words ‘girls’ and ‘dirty’. Swinging back to take a closer …
Gwenfar's Garden and other musings
Notes on growing ornamentals and edibles, and musings on other matters that interest me.
I was just wandering around the gardening and cookbook section at Waterstones today (they are next to each other) and out of the corner of my eye I saw the words ‘girls’ and ‘dirty’. Swinging back to take a closer …
I did manage to get down to my lottie today. I was clearly the only one who bothered, as I had pristine smooth snow to walk through (nearly 2ft deep) to get through the gate and to my plot. And …
A couple of hours on from my last post and the snow is really really heavy. In this picture, my usually 6-8ft Bamboo (Phyllostachy Nigra) which is the bottom-left to middle section of the photo, has been crushed under the …
The weather people have been promising for days and days, but FINALLY we got the heavy snow that Kevin and I have been waiting for. Here is the back garden this evening as the snow was falling. Hoping it won’t …
We bought a new doona* and barely got it on the bed before Merlyn claimed it as his. *Doona is the Aussie word for Duvet. I prefer Doona, it sounds snug and warm. Duvet sounds like Bidet, and well, I …
Well it’s 2010 – happy new year to you! I hope you enjoyed a good winter (or summer) break. As someone who cannot stand Xmas (or sit Xmas either), I choose to view the forced holidays as a time for …
The other thing that did make me cheer with joy during this awful Copenhagen week was George Monbiot’s showdown with the idiot Australian* climate denier Ian Plimer on Oz news show Lateline (ABC, Oz equivalent to BBC). Watch George destroy …
I have to say I’m pretty depressed about the outcome, or rather, lack thereof, at Copenhagen. I didn’t have high hopes for much, but thought developing countries might get something and there might be some effort for the world leaders …
COP15 is on right now. I must admit to not being that hopeful about a genuine deal in Copenhagen. Too many industry interests will be getting in the way of actually doing anything about climate change; they must maintain their …
My yearly catalogue from the Heritage Seed Library (HSL) came today and I’m rather excited to see I’m listed as a HSL Guardian I’m not sure I really qualify for the honour, as I’ve never officially asked to become a …