I love Hardy Perennials and most of the ornamental plants I grow fall into this category. On Mastodon (the great alternative to Twitter), I’ve been posting Daily Perennial photos and information, and also sharing everything under the #Florespondence hashtag. #Florespondence is very popular on Masto with both gardeners and non-gardeners alike, and lots of people join in and share photos of flowers they see as they go about their daily lives.
I’m aiming (within the context of Gardening with ME) to post weekly blogposts covering each of the daily perennials I’ve posted during the past week (Monday to Sunday). And each date and name will link to my PixelFed account (alternative to Instagram) where you can find more photos of each plant.
Visit: Daily Perennials: Thu 28th March to Sun 31st March, to view my first Daily Perennial post.
About my daily perennials
Hardy perennials are plants that survive frost, dying down each autumn and coming up again the following Spring. Most of the perennials I grow tend to not need to much fussing apart from some dead-heading in Summer and early Autumn to get repeat flowering.
I let the foliage stay in Winter for small bugs like ladybirds, to hibernate in them. Plus, often the frost looks beautiful and very architectural! Early Spring is when you remove the old foliage in readiness for the new growth coming through.
Unless otherwise stated, all plants I grow have a hardiness rating of H5 for the UK, and zones 7 and 8 in the US. That is, they will survive down to -15 degrees Celsius.
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You can follow me on Mastodon at @GwenfarsGarden@Kith.Kitchen, or on PixelFed (the great alternative to Instagram) https://pixelfed.social/GwenfarsGarden
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