Pumpkin Pi
I have achieved Pumpkin Pi. This pumpkin weighs in at 3.14 kilos. Pumpkin Pi. The variety is Galeuse d’Eysines from Real Seeds. It’s slowly developing the funny warts that this variety develops in storage. I have big plans for my Pumpkin …
Spoonie Veg: garlic
Spoonie veg rating: 1 Garlic, my number one vegetable. I adore garlic and have been growing and saving my own for years. It’s wonderful in the kitchen, complementing so many dishes, and it is also very easy to grow. It’s …
Driving Miss Juneberry*
Back in April, after a visit to the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens, I decided I wanted to get myself an Amelanchier tree. One common name for Amelanchier is Juneberry, another being Service Tree. Here’s a reminder of what they look like …
Blogging with ME
Last Monday I was in tears feeling like ME has taken away so much from me and made my life so small. Then two things happened during the week that turned this around and gave me much joy. On Tuesday I …
Container grown Garlic experiment
Pot of Garlic with three cloves, back in May Back in May I mentioned that I was doing a small experiment with growing garlic in containers. This is a write up of the results of the experiment. A post for …
Eyam well-dressing 2016
By chance we visited Eyam last Saturday, just as the community was proceeding through town as part of their annual well-dressing celebrations. Since we were there we thought we would mingle for a while. Flowers, plant foliage and berries are …
Quince watch 2016: August update – dreams blown away
Back in July, I was very excited to have nine quincelets on my Quince tree. I was seeing Quince Jelly in my future. All was rosy. Alas, my dreams have been crushed. Or more to the point, blown away by …