Irritating Plant of the Month (IPotM): June 2016
Alison over at The Blackberry Garden has written a great post on a plant that has been irritating her, and came up with the idea of Irritating Plant of the Month day (IPotM). See her post for info, and mine below …
Gardening with ME: what’s flowering in the garden in June
I’ve not been up to blogging or gardening recently. The ME has been bad and I’ve needed to rest. I was able to get out into the garden and take some photos on the weekend, so I thought I’d just …
Quince watch 2016: May
Is this the year when I will finally have my first, edible fruits, from my Quince tree? Now that it has finally flowered, Quince watch has officially begun. My Cydonia oblonga ‘Serbian’ (also known as ‘Leskovac’) is now about 6 years …
Spoonie Veg: Sorrel
Updated 26th March 2023 Spoonie Veg rating: 1 Ok, my hands are up, I admit this isn’t the most obvious first choice for an individual Spoonie Veg blogpost. Bear with me, and see if I cannot convince you that Sorrel …
Sorrel and Potato Gratin
This recipe is a based on a mix from Alison Tindale and Martha Stewart. I’ve swapped the onions/shallots for garlic (I’m allergic to onions and shallots) and added a cheese topping. I converted the measurements to grams etc, and for Spoonies, …
Postcards from Dumfries and Galloway
On our recent holiday we spend a week in Dumfries and Galloway. This is the lowland border area of the South-west of Scotland. I chose this as a holiday destination in part because I’ve always wanted to visit the sub-tropical …
Garden visiting with ME
An ME Awareness Week blogpost As this is primarily a gardening blog, I wanted to contribute a post to ME Awareness Week within this context. After some recent experiences visiting some large gardens in Scotland, I wanted to write about …