Heather on the moors
It’s that time of the year again and the heather is in full flower in the Peak District. What is different this year is that this was the first time we also was able to experience the fragrance of the …
Pictorial meadows at Manor Oaks Farm
Sheffield has gained a reputation for it’s development of pictorial meadow mixes, using both annuals and perennials. We live not far from Manor Oaks Farm where many of the types of meadows are on display. Below are a few photos …
Gardening with ME: then and now
There are times when having ME can really get me down. Lately not only have I not been blogging much, I’m not gardening much, and I’ve even had to hire someone to help out in the garden a bit. I …
Postcards from the Pergola
Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ Honeysuckle – Lonicera similis var. delavayi A deep velvety red flower of Nasturtium ‘Whirlybird Mixed’
Gardening with ME: gardening, blogging & ME
The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that there wasn’t a June #GardeningWithME post, and that in general, I’ve not been blogging quite so much. Geranium Ann Folkard next to my garlic crop When you garden with ME or another …
End of month view: June 2015
A day late, but you know, it’s been HOT! The ‘flaming June’ that Jessica over at Rusty Duck BlogĀ told me would be coming finally got there, just… It is great to have warm weather after all that cold, so I’m …
Garden visit: Helmsley Walled Garden
Helmsley Walled Garden, view from the perennial meadow It’s hard not to be attracted to the romance of a walled garden and on a recent holiday to the North York Moors I visited two, this one, Helmsley Walled Garden, and …