End of month view: May 2015
The Long Shady Border, from the shadier end May has been much cooler month than normal, it’s been quite windy but there hasn’t been much rain. The Long Shady Border laughed off the vagaries of the weather and went ahead …
Gardening with ME: kitchen garden update
The strawberries are flowering well Back in January I talked about planning the kitchen garden year. I thought that it would be good for me to do an update, looking at what I said then and how things have panned …
Photo essay: Alpine Plant Centre
Living in Sheffield means living close to the Alpine Plant Centre in the Peak District, which has an amazing selection of alpines, often rare, and at really good prices. I’ve been before and have used quite a few alpines from there to …
ME Awareness Week
May is ME Awareness Month with a particular focus on Sunday 10 to Saturday 16 May being ME Awareness Week. I blog occasionally about Gardening with ME and this week I have been tweeting some of the impacts having ME has …
South Pennine HPS: National Collections and Favourite Plants from Avondale Nurseries
I have been wanting to visit Avondale Nursery near Coventry for a while. As luck would have it, Avondale, in the form of Brian Ellis, came to me, or rather, to give a talk at the South Pennine Hardy Plant Society last …
Photo essay: Renishaw Hall Gardens in Spring
Having visited Renishaw Hall Gardens late last Summer, it was time for a return visit, this time in the Spring. That they also had a plant fair on, just added to the attraction. After perusing the plant stalls, and yes, …