End of month view: April 2015
This is going to be a short on text End of Month View. My health isn’t good at the moment and I cannot be on the computer for too long, so I’m mainly posting photographs of the Long Shady Border …
Gardening with ME: the importance of the right chair
New outdoor chair Last October, as I was contemplating the impact weather has on my energy levels, blogger VP, over at Veg Plotting, suggested having somewhere close to the house to sit where I could look at the garden even …
Photo essay: alpine delights at the AGS Chesterfield show
Alpines are fast becoming a bit of a passion for me and I was finally able to attend my first AGS (Alpine Garden Society) show last weekend, this one the North Midland Show in Chesterfield. Although I have nothing to compare …
Why I’m not renewing my membership to the RHS
I’m not renewing my membership to the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society). Here’s my top five reasons why. 1. Cost A yearly subscription for one person is now £55 or £41.25 if you sign up as direct debit. As a renewing …
South Pennie HPS talk: a Spring plant demonstration by Rosy Hardy
Rosy Hardy from Hardy’s Cottage Garden Plants gave a practical demonstration and talk on Spring plants for the garden at the South Pennine Hardy Plant Society last week. Rosy brought along a selection of Spring flowering plants and gave a …
End of Month View: March 2015
Welcome to the March End of Month View. The view above is from the shadier end of the Long Shady Border. There are a few gaps, such as where I’m waiting for the perennial Epimediums to come up and …