Gardening with ME: lists
I’ll confess that I’m a bit of a list person. I like writing lists then crossing things off. Not just for shopping, but also for managing daily life and work. At work in particular I use a spreadsheet to manage …
Notes on growing ornamentals and edibles, and musings on other matters that interest me.
I’ll confess that I’m a bit of a list person. I like writing lists then crossing things off. Not just for shopping, but also for managing daily life and work. At work in particular I use a spreadsheet to manage …
The Long Shady Border from the back After the Long Shady Border was covered in snow at the end of January, this is the first viewing of how it is looking at the end of winter, and my thoughts on …
S. confusa flowers and berries Friends of the Botanical Gardens Sheffield gave a talk on Sarcococca a couple of weeks ago. Here are a few notes from my slightly delayed write up. Sheffield holds the national collection of Sarcococca (Plant …
Sometimes I garden in my head. There are times when I simply have no energy to garden. I don’t mean no energy for a few days. I mean no energy for weeks. Throughout January and into February I was unable …
It’s snowdrop time and this year Kevin and I visited the snowdrops Colesbourne Park in Gloucestershire, with our friends Kate & J-P. We were blessed with beautiful weather, and Colesbourne has a great collection with labels that enables you to get up …
Welcome to the first End of Month View for 2015. I’ve decided that this year, rather than discussing the whole garden each month as I did in 2014, I’m going to focus solely on the Long Shady Border. I feel …
It’s not just about gardening here. Ok, it’s mainly about gardening and occasionally something non-gardening related sneaks in; it is ‘and other musings’ after all. This is one of those times. Like many gardeners, I have more strings to my …