Garden visit: autumn in the Alpine House at Cambridge Botanic Garden
Following on from my last post on some of the autumn colours at Cambridge Botanic Garden, are some alpines from the Alpine House. I think there is a tendency to think of alpines as more late Spring-early Summer flowering plants, …
Garden visit: autumn colours at Cambridge Botanic Garden
We made a return visit to Cambridge Botanic Garden on the weekend, this time to enjoy the Autumn colours. This is a garden that never fails to please, although for some reason I’ve only seen it is Winter and Spring in the …
End of month view: October 2014
As I mentioned in my post Gardening with ME: weather and energy the other day, I don’t have a lot to report. After travelling in September I have spent most of October with little energy to really be able to …
Gardening with ME: weather and energy
You could say I’ve been missing presumed tired in the garden this month. I’m aware that End of Month View is coming up and I feel I have little to report. As mentioned in a previous post, I was travelling …
Gardening with ME: French beans
The growing season of 2014 has been one of the best years I’ve had for some time in growing climbing French beans. I’ve often done well with dwarf French beans and this year was no exception, but climbers have been …
Gardening with ME: an introduction to a new meme
In a recent conversation on Twitter (late September) between myself, Harriet Thomas, Philippa Burrough and Arabella Sock, we discussed following other people who garden with chronic illness, in particular, ME. ME is Myalgic Encephalopathy, and depending on the person may also be called …
End of month view: September 2014
September in the garden. Actually, I wasn’t in the garden, as I was mainly off travelling with my best friend Kerri who was over from Oz for her 50th birthday. When I was around, I was too ME tired to …