A few thoughts on: Incredible! (Plant veg, grow a revolution)
This isn’t a review per se as I don’t have the energy to write a proper review. But having read the book and being incredibly (ha!) inspired by it, I wanted add a few words to my Blog about it …
End of month view: August 2014
Well, August was fun, wasn’t it?! Lots of grey skies and lower temperatures and then some rain. How darling. At times it felt like autumn had come early, but it did redeem itself on the last day, just in time …
Garden visit: Renishaw Hall Garden
Renishaw Hall Gardens is an Italianate garden on the edge of North Derbyshire and South Yorkshire, rather close to my home in Sheffield. I’ll confess at the outset that I’ve never been overly fond of Italianate gardens. Past experience has …
Peak District: Stanage Edge and summer heather
The heather in the Peak District is flowering. There is a pink tinge to the landscape. Stanage Edge A section of Stanage Edge Stanage Edge from the top of the ridge Stanage Edge, heather and weather Burbage Rocks Towards Burbage …
Garden visit: Easton Walled Gardens
We often make journeys between Sheffield and Cambridge to visit Kevin’s mum. It just so happens that along this route, the A1, sits Easton Walled Garden. We had visited in late Spring 2013, so this was our second visit to …
Alpine wall
At the beginning of last July, 2013 that is, I mentioned that I was going to experiment with trying to grow an Alpine Wall. After recently purchasing some more alpines for my wall and having planted them out, I realised …