Today was the (almost) annual visit to Kingston Bagpuize gardens in Oxfordshire. They have wonderful drifts of snowdrops, aconites, crocuses. A visit always lifts the spirit at the cold end of winter.
Before we arrived, my friend Kate thought snowdrops were just snowdrops. She didn’t realise there were so many varieties! Different ones were described as ‘short and upright’ or ‘short and chubby’…
There are many lovely paths to wander around and enjoy drifts of snowdrops.
There were also other early Spring delights.
There was also time for fun!
And a time for snuggles.
It was a beautiful late winter day and as ever, we enjoyed our visit to Kingston Bagpuize gardens.
The last snowdrop open day is Sunday 24th February. The house and gardens is also open on weekends from March to September.
And extra snowdrop pic by @oxkev.