Serves 2
200g shelled Broad Beans
1 crushed garlic clove, several garlic scapes, or Chives
10 or so leaves of Mint, chopped up
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
Black pepper
100g Feta
Salad leaves
1. Put garlic (or chopped alternatives) into a bowl with the olive oil, lemon juice, black pepper and mint.
2. Chop up the feta so it’s small crumbly pieces, then put to one side.
3. Boil or steam the broad beans for 1min 30 seconds.
4. Add cooked beans to olive oil etc dressing, and stir. Then add in the feta and stir again.
5. Serve on salad leaves.
Simple, but delicious.
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About Gwenfar’s Garden recipes
I don’t think we will have any broad beans this year the plants have never really got going and for the first time ever they have been inundated with blackfly We even have some black fly on our rhubarb and a plot neighbour was complaining that her poly tunnel was full of them.
Oh no, maybe you were jinxed by my Blackfly post?!