New look!

A single purple flower with some black veins on the petals coming out of the centre, and with pink stamens and carpels in the middle. It is surrounded by green foliage.
Geranium ‘Ann Folkard’

So here we are, now on WordPress. Some things are still being sorted out (particularly images being blurred, and some links that are broken), but hopefully you’ll have got the email about this post. If you have any problems accessing posts etc on the site, do let me know.

A grouping of small lilac-pink flowers with yellow stamens. They are on the stems of small branches off from a main more purple coloured stem and surrounded by green leaves with purple edging.
Callicarpa bodinieri var giraldii ‘Profusion’

4 thoughts on “New look!”

  1. Hi Just found your blog. The garden you are creating looks lovely and full of lots of ideas to emulate. Lovely recipes too. Thanks for sharing.


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