I am so excited I can barely contain myself. My first ever Saffron, Crocus sativus, has flowered!

I’ve tried growing Saffron in past gardens, but the bulbs seem to have just disappeared. Not even a green leaf came up. I planted some again in this garden, a couple of years ago. The first two years I at least got leaves, but it is only now, in the 3rd year, I’ve got my first flower.

Whilst I hope I’ll still have more to come this season, just getting one has really made my gardening year.

I’ve picked the one flower, taken out the red saffron stigmas and am leaving them to dry on a plate in the dining room, out of direct sun. It should take a few days to dry out, then I can put them in a jar for using. I cannot wait to make saffron rice.

And the flower isn’t going to waste. It has a lovely fragrance, so I’ve put it in a small vase and it’s sitting in the lounge room for us to enjoy.

My first every saffron flower. What joy!!!
Brilliant! And of course you’ll be posting when you make saffron rice with the spice you’ve grown, right?