Notes on growing ornamentals and edibles, and musings on other matters that interest me.
Postcards from the front garden: Summer 2021
My goodness, it’s now Autumn and I’ve not posted anything about the front garden for some time. I thought I’d share photo’s of the front garden I took over summer so you can see how it’s growing.
June: not long after the previous hedge alongside the street footpath has been removed and new plants added.
From the left side of the street footpath
The house side of the front garden
From the right side of the street footpath.
Geranium ‘Johnson’s Blue’
Meconopsis cambrica – Welsh poppy
Salvia x sylvestris ‘Viola Klose’
Geum ‘Mrs J. Bradshaw’ (red) and ‘Totally Tangerine’ (orange)
Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’
Lupinus ‘Gallery Blue’
Primula bulleyana
July: it’s filling out even after just a month.
At the beginning of the month.
Hypericum perforatum ‘Hidcote’ – St John’s Wort
Geum ‘Mrs Bradshaw’
Salvia x sylvestris ‘Viola Klose’ (above) and Campanula ‘Clockwise Deep Blue’ (below)
Helenium ‘Sahin’s Early Flowerer’
Aubrieta ‘Kitte Blue’ and Painted Lady butterfly
Potentilla ‘William Rollison’
Helenium ‘Moerheim Beauty’
Campanula ‘Clockwise Deep Blue’
Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ‘Carmin Brillant’
Hypericum ‘Hidcote’ (yellow, left) and Salvia nemorosa ‘Ostfriesland’ (purple, right)
Lobelia Trailing Fountain Blue
At the end of the month.
August: lots of growth and colour. A lot more yellows flowering now too.
From the left side of the street footpath.
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ‘Red King’
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ‘Irish Dawn’
Crocosmia ‘Twilight Fairy Crimson’
The yellow here is Rudbeckia fulgida var sullivantii ‘Goldsturm’. And you can see the purple Verbena bonariensis has taken off.
The different stages of flowering of Helenium ‘Moerheim Beauty’. The youngest flowers are red, then they change to burnt orange, then orange.
The bark is starting to peel and create that specific Acer griseum form. I look forward to seeing this in December with the winter light shining upon and through it.
Just a reminder, this is how it looked at the beginning of June.
The garden in late August.
From the right side of the street footpath, towards the end of August. The Verbena bonariensis has self-seeded and is really doing it’s thing. I love it!
Looking from the front door towards the street, at the end of the month. The garden has really filled out.
We had planned on adding a short fence railing to the garden’s street side, and this has finally been done.
Here was before…
Back in April, before the hedge was removed.
The previous day.
I went for something a little different, but I think it’s quirky and lovely. What do you think?!
New railings – early September.
I am very pleased with how the garden has filled out. The major work of redeveloping the front garden has now been finished. There is, of course, general ongoing maintenance, and some editing to do, particularly before the Verbena bonariensis takes over. Overall, I feel like my aim to make the front garden a ‘hot’ (as in colour) garden, is getting there. Now, to add more bulbs for next Spring…