Gardeners frequently dream of bigger, better etc. More space, more plants. And I’ve definitely had that dream. But my health can no longer manage a big garden, and our new garden is about a third of the size of our Sheffield garden. But small has it’s benefits, not the least being that I don’t feel so anxious about keeping on top of the garden. And we agreed that we’d finally build me a greenhouse that could be set up for my disability, allowing me to sit and potter with my plants.
At the end of May, my dream new greenhouse was built. To say I love it would be an understatement! It’s just the best!

As you can see, I have an adjustable stool that is quite comfortable and allows me to sit at the potting tray so that I can pot up plants and tend them. My key tools and compost (peat free of course) are next to the bench, so I can do everything without needing to get up and down all the time. And yes, I will be indulging in my love of alpines now I have the perfect space for them.

It’s made from strengthened aluminum and sits on a brick wall. I think it looks so beautiful! The blinds are down during summer, to reflect the sun and help stop it getting so bright. I’ll put them up again in Autumn so that I can then maximise the light coming in. I have a water butt coming soon that will be connected to the greenhouse guttering, and it will sit just to the right of the door to the greenhouse, so easy access.

I keep going in there and just sitting down with a silly smile on my face. It’s a wonderful space and a dream come true.
Please direct all mail to Gwenfar, The Greenhouse…
* * * * *
This post is dedicated to Kevin’s parents, Dr Audrey Meaney, and Dr Neville Meaney, who passed on in 2021. It’s is thanks to their gifts to Kevin that allowed us to afford the greenhouse of my dreams, and I’m very grateful. My eternal thanks. We miss you.
It’s absolutely wonderful, I’m thrilled for you! Have you eaten your tea in it yet?!
Now that’s an idea!