I did not mean to go nearly 3 months between blogposts, but between visitors and having pinched a nerve in my left shoulder, I’ve not been able to type much. It’s slowly improving but still a way to go. Honestly, I want to go back to just having ME, because this is disabling in a completely different, and annoying, way. Anyhoo…
This is just to wave *hi* really. And since I happened to have these photos of a passion flower, I thought I’d share them too, so you get some plants in the mix. This is actually a neighbour’s plant that steals over the fence and you might say that I haven’t been shy in encouraging it.

Each passion flower only seems to last a brief time (a day or two), but it has lots of flowers, so you get to enjoy them over summer and into autumn.

Not only does it add some lovely foliage on my still bare fence, but those flowers – oh my! They want you to notice them, and I certainly have.
Do they ever! So unique 😮
I have two frozen shoulders on top of long COVID and ME. No fun at all. I hope you continue to improve!
Woah, I really feel for you. I hope you get some improvement too.
So beautiful!
That’s beautiful and I may need one! I hope your shoulder improves a lot very soon xx