In the depths of winter, one of the great floral delights that we can grow indoors (in the UK), are Amaryllis. This is A. ‘Papilio’, which is now in it’s third year of flowering. I have two others that flowered for the first two years, but I’m not sure if they will again. Once again, the natural light in the greenhouse made it easier to photograph. Note to self: get some nice material to use as a backdrop.

I was particularly fascinated to see how the pistils (female parts) and stamens (male parts) develop when in flower.

It’s not always easy to get repeat flowering from Amaryllis, so I consider Papilio to be a bit of a success. It’s even got some young bulbs offshoots developing, which I’m going to pot up.

Will I make it to year four? Stay tuned.
That’s an amazing amaryllis!
Beautiful and makes a bold, poised statement!